Interested in volunteering?

We are in need of volunteers for the upcoming Barrington Invitational Tournament (BIT) on November 5th & 6th. Once the schedule is finalized, sign-up genius form links will be posted.  We wanted to share this information ahead of time so families can start thinking of how they would like to help.  

  • Registration/Setup (2-hour afternoon/evening shifts starting Nov. 1st):  Help is needed in the evenings the week prior to the tournament, as well as the morning of November 5th.  Work will include preparing fields, packing registration packets, and other materials for the tournament. (Older Sibling Eligible)

  • Field Set up (2-hour shifts the mornings of Nov. 5th and 6th): Fields must be ready to go before games begin Saturday and Sunday. (Older Sibling Eligible)

  • Concessions (2-hour shifts on Nov. 5th and 6th): Concessions will be available at the Eagle's Nest at Barrington High School.  We need volunteers to help cook, serve, and sell the food.  We also will have a snack shack set up at Chianese. (Older Sibling Eligible)

  • Field Marshall (2-hour shifts Nov. 5th and 6th): Field monitors are needed for each game.  The best way to do this is to monitor your child's game, as well as the game before or after.   Duties include getting games started on time, distributing cards to referees for their payment, noting and communicating final scores, player safety, monitoring spectator behavior, and general field conditions.  Once the schedule is released, each Barrington team should identify a parent to serve as the field marshal for the time block covering their game.

Thank you for your assistance in making the 2022 BIT a success! Stay tuned for further detail and the volunteer sign-up forms.