Return to Play Protocols

  • Stable groups of 15 (youth & coaches).

  • Physical distancing (6’) is encouraged, but not required.

  • Groups are required to maintain a minimum of 14’ physical distance.

  • All participants must be screened prior to any activities. Parents must check your child’s temperature before coming to any session, if your child shows any symptoms do not bring your player to practice and inform the club immediately.

  • Reinforce hand cleaning.  If soap and water is not available, hand sanitizer should be used.

  • No use of indoor facilities.

  • Discourage sharing equipment.  If necessary, shared equipment should be sanitized between users.

  • Focus should be on practice / skill development.

  • Competition between groups or teams is prohibited.

  • Face masks – coaches must wear when unable to keep 6’ physical distance.  Youth should wear when not engaged in active play.

  • Players must Respect and practice social distancing.

  • No high 5’s, handshakes, knuckles or group celebrations.