Forms + Rules

Barrington Invitational Tournament

BIT Coach Conduct Form | Click Here

Medical Release Form | Click Here

TOURNAMENT RULES | Click here to download

1. Tournament games will be played in accordance with FIFA Laws except where modified below. 
2. Format, Ball Size: 10/9U 7v7 Size 4 ball; 12/11U 9v9 Size 4 ball; 15/13U 11v11 Size 5 ball 
3. Length of Game: 
  • U9 – U15 games will consist of two 25-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime. 
  • In preliminary or round-robin games, tie scores at the end of regulation time will stand. 
  • Playoff games (11U-15U) that end in ties will be followed by two 5-minute sudden-death overtime periods. If the game remains tied after the second sudden death overtime period, a five-players per each team penalty kick shootout shall decide the match. If it remains tied after those five rounds, rounds will be added until only one team scores in a  round. The penalty kicks will start with only those players on the field at the time the second sudden death period ends, then shall proceed with the remaining players on the field, and then shall proceed with players on the bench. 
4. Home Team is the first team listed on the schedule. The home team will be expected to change jerseys in the event jersey colors of the opposing team are similar or considered so by the referees. 
5. Substitutions shall be unlimited for all age groups. Substitutions may be made, with the consent of the referee, at the  following times: 
  • Prior to a throw-in, by the team in possession, or when your opponent does a throw-in substitution b. Prior to a goal kick by either team 
  • After a goal by either team 
  • After an injury by either team when the referee stops play 
  • At half time 
  • If a player receives a yellow card, that player must leave the field and they may be replaced, AND the opposing team  may make one substitution at that time 
  • NO substitutions on corner kicks 
6. Registration: Every team must register before their first game. A state-certified team roster and medical release forms must be submitted to the Tournament Registrar at the time of Registration. No player is allowed to play without a  medical/general release form. Players not on a state-certified roster must present a player pass or birth certificate for proof of age. “Permission to Travel” forms are NOT required by teams within Region 1 (RI, MA, CT, VT, ME, NY) 
7. Off-Sides will be called for U9-U15 games. 
8. Heading is prohibited for players 10 years old (U11) or younger 
9. U9/10 Build Out Line and Punting; Punting by the Goal Keeper is prohibited in 10U and younger games. An infraction will result in an indirect free kick from the spot of the foul or the goal line nearest where the infraction occurred if the infraction was in the goal area.  The opposing team must move behind the build-out line when the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands, or when taking a goal kick. For goal kicks, the opposing team may cross the build-out line when the ball is put in play. When the goalkeeper distributes the ball, the opposing team may cross the build-out line. When the goalkeeper places the ball on the field to kick or dribble it, the opposing team may cross the build-out line. The goalkeeper may kick or distribute the ball while the opposing team is retreating. 
10. Forfeits: A team will be allowed 5 minutes from the scheduled game time to field a team of at least 7 players for 11 v 11, 6  players for 9 v 9, and 5 players for 7 v 7. 
  • A team winning a match by forfeit will be awarded a 3-0 win (a goal differential of plus 3; zero goals allowed, counted  as a shutout) 
  • A team losing a match by forfeit will be awarded a 0-3 loss (a goal differential of negative 3; 3 goals against) 
11. Protests: There will be no protests. Decisions of the referees, Tournament Director, and/or Tournament Committee members are final. Negative comments or actions directed at referees may result in ejections per sections 7 and 8 of the tournament COMPETITION FORMAT AND POLICIES as determined by the referee and/or field marshal and/or Tournament  Committee Member. 
12. Inclement Weather: In severe weather, when the conditions are determined to be unsafe for play, the game may be canceled by the referee and/or Tournament Director. The referee and/or Tournament Director may change location,  delay, or reduce the length of play by up to fifty percent (50%). In the event the entire tournament is canceled due to severe weather conditions or other reasons beyond the control of the Tournament Committee, 50% of the entry fee will be refunded.


1. Trophies will be awarded to the first-place teams in the 11U-15U Divisions. 9U-10U divisions are non-results-oriented and will receive participation awards. 
2. Most divisions will be decided by round-robin play only. Some divisions may include a playoff round. Please refer to the schedule for the structure of your division. 
3. Division Standings are based on a point system: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. 
4. Tied division standings: The criteria used to resolve a tie in the standings are as follows, applied in the order listed:
a. Winner of head-to-head competition
b. Goal Differential, maximum 4 per game
c. Goals Against (fewest allowed), maximum 5 per game
d. Most Wins
e. Most Shutouts
f. Most goals scored, maximum 5 per game
5. Mercy Rule: The referee will end a game if an eight (8) goal differential occurs at any time. It is encouraged a team takes at least one player off the field when a four (4) goal differential is reached and takes at least a second player off the field when a six (6) goal differential is reached. 
6. Sportsmanship/Sportswomanship Policy: Coaches, players, and spectators are expected to respect each other and the referees before, during, and after each game. Barrington Youth Soccer Association and the Tournament Committee members will not tolerate negative statements, actions, or offensive language by coaches, players, or spectators. If such occurs, the referee and field marshal will address the situation, including possible ejections. If the referee feels threatened, the game will be terminated and the offending team will forfeit. A game will be terminated immediately if any spectator purposefully enters the field of play. It is each coach’s responsibility to communicate this to their players and spectators prior to participation in the tournament. 
7. Player Roster Movement:  Teams can move up to 4 players across rosters to ensure each team has a maximum of 5 substitutes available per game.  Players eligible to move are as follows:
  • Players must be on a roster that is registered in the B.I.T
  • Players must be birth year eligible for the team they are moving to for the game (i.e. older age player can not play down in younger age group)
  • Players can not move down a division even if age eligible (i.e. player can not move from a “most competitive” to “least competitive” group)
  • When a u15 division is not offered then U14 teams may roster up to 3 u15 eligible players.
8. Player Ejections: A player ejected from a match will not be permitted to play in the team’s next match. This penalty may be increased at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. 
  • The referee’s report of the incident shall be turned over to the Tournament Committee by the referee, the referee administrator, or the field marshal. A Tournament Committee member will inform the coach, the referee of the next match, and the coach of the ejected player’s team’s next opponent that the player may not play in the game. 
  • If the ejected player’s team allows the ejected player to participate in a game from which they have been deemed ineligible due to a previous game ejection, that team will automatically forfeit that game. 
9. Coach Ejections: A coach ejected from a match will not be permitted to coach in the team’s next match. This penalty may be increased at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. 
  • The referee’s report of the incident shall be turned over to the Tournament Committee by the referee, the referee administrator, or the field marshal. A Tournament Committee member will inform the coach, the referee of the next match, and the coach of the ejected coach’s team’s next opponent that the coach may not participate in the game. 
  • The coach is not to participate in the next match, nor even be present on either sideline. Should the coach be present on either sideline during a match from which he or she has been ruled ineligible due to the previous ejection, the coach’s team will immediately forfeit the game. 
  • Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and fans. A coach may be warned and then ejected on the basis that he or she is unable to control the behavior of their players or fans. 

NO DOGS, ALCOHOL, OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS OF ANY KIND are permitted on tournament grounds at any time during the weekend.